Snopescom Whoopi Make America Great Again

Making America Great Again: Nosotros do not Negotiate with Terrorists

Jeremiah Cuevas


Posted: February 28, 2016 12:01 AM

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Making America Great Again: We do not Negotiate with Terrorists

"We are going to brand America not bad again! I make deals, I'm a deal maker." These are the words that Americans accept heard from the oral cavity of Donald Trump over and over and over once again. InThursday night's debate they echoed all the same again. In another contend in South Carolina last month, Trump fabricated the argument that 911 was George W. Bush'southward fault to project weakness the former President, and past extension onto his blood brother and so fellow GOP candidate, Jeb Bush. However, in Thursday night'due south debateMarco Rubio alluded to something about Trump'due south affinity for deal making that is at odds with his political aspirations, and exposes his own weakness.

Inthe argue in Texas we saw a totally new Sen. Rubio. Although his competitor Sen. Ted Cruz has been going after Trump for quite sometime, Rubio had basically been going after the other candidates, that was until Th night. In one commutation in particular, that may have been disregarded by many,Mr. Trump was talking near how he would broker peace in the Center East between the Israelis and Palestinians by taking a neutralposition in the region.

Donald Trump said "I would not take sides. It would maybe exist the toughest dealof my life."

"Have yous ever made deals with Terrorists?" Rubio interrupted.

Marco Rubio was pointing out a huge chink in Trump'sarmor. In that one argument Donald Trump goes against two huge cornerstones of the Republican Party and American conservatism in full general. The Republican political party is based on the restoration of the founding principles of equal correct under the police force for all people and Christian ideals. Although being a Christianis non a requisite of being member of the Republican Party, there is long continuing tradition of standing with State of israel. This is not just because of the Christian tradition of approval Israel every bit the Bible instructs. The other reason for standing Israel is that we accept a mutual enemy.

On September xi, 2001 the nation was attacked resulting in the deaths of thousands of Americans. After that mean solar day, then President George Due west. Bush drew a line in the sand. The President went in forepart of congress and fabricated a list of demands to the terrorist after nine/11. Thus the showtime of the modern state of war on terror, and radical Islam as a whole.

Donald Trump has built a political career, all exist it a curt one, ofcontradicting himself. However this contradiction may be the worst of them all. After nine/11 when George West. Bush-league drew that line in the sand; the words "We do not negotiate with terrorists" became office of the Deoxyribonucleic acid of America's foreign policy. He promised to bring all the military might to bear oncombating terrorism.

All the GOP candidates to include Donald Trump, take stressed the importance of scrapping the Islamic republic of iran Deal. The Obama assistants has proclaimed that the Iran Deal as a win for America. Trump has said on many occasions how horrible the Iran Deal was bad for America, and that he would be "tougher on terrorism than anybody." However, to say that you would not accept sides in the Eye East y'all are inviting terrorist to gain strength within their region and in turn perpetrate further acts of terrorism here in the United States.

Since the get-go of his candidacy Donald Trump has claimed beto the toughest guy in the GOP field, calling other guys wimps, liars, and choke artists. Other candidates have said "we need to put troops in a position to win" and "we willcarpet bomb ISIS." In contrastTrump is maxim that he would not have sides and that he would negotiate with terrorists. Trump'south position now does not soundlike that of a future president. In fact, those sentiments sound more like the current president of the United states of america, and we all know how that is turning out.

Making America groovy over again can not exist done by i man. America is in demand of strong leadership, new leadership that does not kiss the ring of our enemies like Obama does. However, projecting American strength is more than tough talk, and vague bravado. Nosotros need a deliberate, and tactical leader. American might is in the heart of every American, and pools behind every human and women who stands in her service.

Thanks for your time.



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